Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Evolution of Dance – Alanta vs Azonto vs Gangnam Style!

Dance is a universal language. Some folks however would like to claim ownership of this language based on their skill of it. Different types of dance moves have evolved over the years ranging from crunk, shuffle, popping, locking, break dancing and the like. In more recent years, we have come up with our locally step like Alanta, Suo, Galala and the likes. However there are three major dance steps from different countries that seem to be taking over the dancing scene. The dance steps are widely danced with tutorials and parody videos all over the internet. Alanta Native to Nigeria, this dance involves vigorous hand, hips and leg movements. The dance style uses a patterned movement of the hands as if fanning flames while raising one leg. According to wikipedia, the dance “shows the rich creativity and humour of the Nigerian people. The dance is usually accompanied with a trance-like or painful expressions on the face.” The dance started in 2007 and was made even popular by the music video ‘Alanta’ by Artquake. Azonto Originally from Ghana, this dance is the fever that has dominated club, parties and tutorial videos all over the internet. According to Wikipedia, the dance “ incorporates complex co-ordinates body movement and non-verbal communication in a rhythmic fashion in very few one-two timed steps. Just like most African dances, knee bending and hip movements are rudiments to dancing it. The dance has effectively evolved from a few rudimentary moves to embrace depictions of ironing,washing, driving, boxing, grooming, praying, swimming, and others.” Most people say that the dance started from Sakordie’s video, ‘You Go Kill Me‘,(1,320,420 Youtube views). However, Fuse’s ‘Azonto‘ (5,633,146 Youtube views), which shows you how to do the azonto steps have taken over as the to-go-to for tips on Azonto dance. All over the internet there are tutorial videos on how to do the dance moves. Gangnam Out of the most unlikely place comes a new dance that is steadily taking the world by storm. Korean singer, PSY has popularized the dance Gangnam style. Gangnam style seems to be taking the winning prize as most viral dance video yet. Though the moves are funny and cheesy, the video has gotten a total of 467,930,388 views on youtube. The dance is performed by doing a comical horse riding dance and footsteps. It also involves swinging an arm in circles over one’s head while still doing the leg movements. The dance video has gained popularity over the online community and is still growing by the second. You’ve gone through the videos and surely have practised the dance moves. In your own honest opinion, who owns the best moves: Alanta, Azonto or Gangnam style???

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